Change published FQDN for Server 2012 or 2012 R2 in RDS Deployment Print

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This is a guide to resolve the problem using web app with Server 2012 RDWeb, the  internal / external domain name mismatch

This cmdlet allows you to change the published Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) that clients use to connect to a Server 2012 or Server 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Services deployment.  This FQDN is included in .rdp files published via RD Web Access and the RemoteApp and Desktop Connections feed.

A common scenario where the ability to change the published name is useful is when your internal domain is .local, .private, .internal, etc.  For instance, you purchase and install a wildcard certificate (* for use with RDS, but when your users connect they receive a name mismatch error because they are attempting to connect to rdcb.yourdomain.local.  This cmdlet allows you to change the FQDN they will use to a name that will match your certificate (



Set-RDPublishedName [-ClientAccessName] <String> [[-ConnectionBroker] <String> ]


In this example the cmdlet is run directly on the RD Connection Broker and we would like to change the published name to We are making this change in order to match our installed wildcard certificate which has a subject of *

Set-RDPublishedName ""

remember if you cannot run the script you need to run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted

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