How to share a folder with a public link with people outside the company Print

  • condividere cartella link pubblico
  • 34

It is possible to share a folder with users outside the company directly from your PC, for example you want to give access to a customer or a supplier.

The procedure is very simple, select the folder and access the nextcloud menu with the right button as from this image:


share folder

"Copy public link" creates a link to send that allows access to the folder, the link is placed in the "clipboard" so to view it you have to do a "paste".

It is possible to decide whether to grant only read access or even write access through the "Sharing options" function 


By sending the link, the recipient accesses a web page where he can download the files and, if he has the permissions, also upload files.

Among the options there is also the possibility to send a note to the recipient, password protect access and set a date after which it will no longer be possible to access the folder.

However the generated link contains numbers and random characters so in itself safe, password protection adds an additional level of security.

This system avoids having to send even large documents via email, simplifying collaboration with customers, suppliers, partners.

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