How to clone a WordPress site quickly and easily Print

  • aggiornamento wordpress, wordpress staging
  • 32

Cloning a site is a very useful operation when you want to make some changes to the site without touching the production site, or perhaps test WP and addon updates in complete safety.

What we do is to create an identical copy of the site in a subfolder such as staging / and we can work on that without giving visibility to the changes on the primary site.

Access your CPANEL and then the WordPress ToolKit that you find in the panel

The toolkit will list the WordPress sites detected by the system in that control panel.

From the ToolKit select "Cloning"

You will be prompted for the subdomain name and the name of the new cloned database.

The site will be cloned and ready to use in a few minutes.

It will then be possible to reclonate the staging site on top of the production site and make all changes instantly.

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