How to use @ mentions to inform the named person Print

  • mensione, persone, mail, filtro
  • 4

To inform someone about a message where they are mentioned, you can type the @ symbol followed by the person's name. The @ symbol will appear next to the message in the inbox of the people mentioned.

Use @ in the body of a message or meeting invitation
in the message where the name is desired, just put @ and the first letters of the person's name.

Aggiungere il simbolo @ e i primi caratteri del nome di una persona

After that Outlook will display the suggestions and click on the name of the desired person.

Per impostazione predefinita vengono visualizzati il nome completo e l'indirizzo di posta elettronica della persona menzionata

It is possible to leave only the name or abbreviate. The person will be in box To or invited to the meeting.

È possibile scegliere di visualizzare solo il nome di una persona

It is also possible to search for the mentioned messages.
It is indeed possible to filter in order to find the emails in which you are cited in this way.

In the message list, click All messages.

Choose Mentioned Message.

Menu che mostra l'opzione Messaggio menzionato

Outlook for Mac

On Home, choose Filter Email.

Choose Mentioned.

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