Exchange 2010 renewal of the SSL certificate Print

  • 4

The SSL certificate is essential for Exchange services, in particular all those services that must be provided to the internet world.

To install / renew the certificate proceed as follows to generate the CSR:

1. Log in to the Exchange EMC, select server configuration right click on New Exchange Certificate and give it a name:

Do not select wildcard unless we have such a certificate available, wildcard is a special type of certificate:

Select the following options:

Select the common name that is the domain name you will use on the internet

At this point, enter the company data and save the request to a file:

This operation will save the so-called CSR in the file, that is a string that must be used for the generation of the actual certificate.
You can contact Utixo with your CSR and ask us for the certificate, we will give you total assistance in installing it.

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