Exchange 2010 circular logging Print

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Exchange Server does not save data directly in its EDB database, but in a series of transaction logs which are consolidated later. Should the database be damaged, these logs can be used to restore the server together with the latest backup available.
But if these files are not managed properly they can grow out of all proportion, filling the storage and compromising server performance.

The best practices for managing Exchange environments include:

Use a different physical disk for managing Transaction Logs and EDB databases
Do not enable circular logging as an essential function for data security
Exchange creates a fixed-length log file for each transaction and then applies these transactions to the database. Only when the Database is saved does it consolidate the logs and delete them.

This allows you to recover up to the last e-mail in case of disk failure where the database works, restoring the backup and then using the logs not yet consolidated.

Utixo follows all the best practices for the management of its data-center environments.

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